Thursday, December 17, 2009

Not the settling down type...

When I was in 4th grade I wanted to go live with gorillas in the jungles of South America. I would go to the library and sit next to the shelf that held the wildlife books and visit my favorite book on the shelf.. an autobiography by Jane Goodall. She was amazing to me. I tried hard to imagine what it would be like to live in the jungle, away from comforts, to be accepted by a group of animals as family.

My daydreaming continued, it swayed from living in the jungles to moving to England and being a great writer, to joining the Air Force and being a pilot. My dreams never placed me in one place. I was never the girl who planned her wedding and acted it out with Ken and Barbie. I was on my karaoke machine broadcasting news to the world..

The other day I asked the guy I am dating what some of his dreams were and he didn't have much to say, "I always just pictured myself getting married, having kids, enjoying grandkids". Fantastic. What else?..

He then asked me, and ten minutes later after I rambled about every possible thing there is to do in the world, he says "You don't seem like the settling down type.."

Although I do want the goodness that is marriage and children I don't want it at the cost of living a routine/normal/boring life. And I know it's possible but you have to find the right way to do it. In motion. Out of the box. Maybe in the jungle..

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